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Searchable Fields

Searchable Fields

An accessible version of the Searchable Fields table is available below.

Field Name


Search Examples & Explanation



AB(child welfare worker)

We use the author-provided abstract with little or no modification, or have members from our editorial team write an abstract from scratch, drawing on the document’s text and concepts. Our team’s goal is to make the document’s point as clearly and succinctly as possible.

Citations for dissertations published from 1980 forward also include 350-word abstracts written by the author. Citations for master's theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts.



ADV(Fogel, Aaron)

Search for dissertations completed under the supervision of a specific academic advisor. If unsure of the spelling of a name, try using truncation. Advisor names are searchable in the following ways: ADV(first name), ADV(last name), ADV(last name, first name) or ADV(first name last name).

All Fields, except full text


NOFT(digital divide)

ALL searches for keywords in the citation and abstract. It is a full record search, but does not include a search on the full text. The following fields are searched: Author Name, Abstract, Title, Subject Terms, Keywords, Advisor, School, Department, School Location, Manuscript Type, Publication number, ISBN.

Alternate Language Title


OTI("The local area as a strategy for sustainable urban development")

Use to look for dissertations by their alternate language title. For example, search for documents originally published in Spanish by searching for an alternate title in English.



AU(Kinsley, Michael)

Use to find documents written by a particular author.

Cited Author



Use to search for an author that is part of the Cited References section of a record.

Cited Document Title



Use to search for document titles that are part of the Cited References section of a record.

Cited Publication Date


CYR(October 1987)

Use to search for publication dates that are part of the Cited References section of a record.

Cited Publication Title



Use to search for a publication title that is part of the Cited References section of a record.

Committee Member


CMT(Frazier, Michael)

Use to search for dissertations reviewed by specific committee members. If you're unsure of the spelling of a name, try using truncation. Committte member names are searchable in the following ways: CMT(first name), CMT(last name), CMT(last name, first name) or CMT(first name last name)




Use to search on a graduate work for a particular degree, such as Ed. D. Also used to search for degree names. For master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation records, identifies the degree.



DEP(Computer Science)

Use this field to search for dissertations granted by a specific department

Document Text


FT(Mortgage backed securities)

Search for keywords in the body of the document. The abstracts are not included in this search.

Document Title



Locates the occurrence of search words in the title of the document.

Index Terms


DISKW(habitat selection)

Use this field to look for dissertations or theses by keyword.

Index terms are keywords in the Identifier/keyword field assigned by the author or ProQuest. You can run a search for any keyword. Index terms in this field do not conform to any controlled vocabulary.

When an author submits their dissertation or thesis to ProQuest, they can optionally assign up to six keywords to describe their graduate work. ProQuest may also assign index terms to improve discoverability.

See the Subject headings (all) entry for additional information about Subject headings (all).



ISBN(91 7170 355 1)


This search field looks for both the ten-digit and the currently used thirteen-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN), where available. Spaces are required in the ten-digit ISBN searches (do not enter hyphens). The 13 digit ISBN works just fine with or without any spaces or hyphens




Use to locate the original language of the document.

Publication/order number



Search for a specific dissertation by publication number. This number appears in each citation. You must OMIT “AAT” from the ID number. You can include or omit any dashes.

Publication year



Use to find a specific publication year.




Use the reference search field to look for the data in a cited reference. It will search all of the main components of a cited reference (cited author, cited document title, cited publication date and cited publication title).

School location



Lets you search for a school in a specific geographic location, such as state, province or country. From the Browse tab, you can browse by location to select from a list of the available locations.

School name / code


SCHNAME(University of Michigan)


Search for dissertations granted by a specific school. Enter the school name or four-digit school code. You can use this field to search for a list of all schools within a particular country by entering the country name.

Subject Heading(All)



This field searches all subject-like fields for dissertations or theses, meaning Subjects and Index terms (keywords).

Use the Subject heading (all) search field to look for dissertations or theses about a specific subject. A search for the term “accounts,” will find documents with the term accounts, health savings accounts, checking accounts, etc. in the Subject or Index term (keyword) fields. To run an exact search where only “accounts” is retrieved in the Subject or Index term (keyword) fields and not terms that contain additional terms, search using EXACT.


Subject terms conform to the ProQuest/UMI Controlled Vocabulary. When an author submits their dissertation or thesis to ProQuest, they must select one primary subject, and can optionally select two secondary subjects. ProQuest may also assign Subject terms to improve discoverability.

See the Index terms (keywords) entry for additional information about Index terms (keywords).

Supplemental file types



Use to search for dissertations containing supplemental files such as images, videos, documents or spreadsheets. Enter the supplemental file type (Audio, Code-Script, Data, Image, Other, PDF, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Text, Unknown, Video).

To search for dissertations or theses containing any supplemental file types, search for: sptype(audio) OR sptype(Code-Script) OR sptype(Data) OR sptype(Image) OR sptype(Other) OR sptype(PDF) OR sptype(Presentation) OR sptype(Spreadsheet) OR sptype(Text) OR sptype(Unknown) OR sptype(video)

In some cases, you may have to download specific software or plug-ins in order to be able to view supplemental files.

NOTE: Supplemental files content is only accessible from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I subscribers can access Supplemental file types content from open access graduate works.

Volume/issue (DVI)



Use to search for the DAI (Dissertation Abstracts International) database or the MAI (Master's Abstracts International) database. The default setting specifies a search across both.

Use this field to narrow your search to social sciences and humanities (volume A) or sciences and engineering (volume B). Or search for specific issue numbers.

Note: Limiting by volume or issue may not make sense if your subscription only covers a portion of the database.