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Reference Services

Reference Services at CSU

Reference services are Parlett L Moore Library are geared to:

  • Assisting CSU patrons with using the library, including locating materials, using the catalog, using computers to access information, and using basic reference sources.
  • Assisting patrons with identifying library materials needed to answer a question.
  • Offering consultation and/or instruction on using the library, locating research materials, and other research needs.
  • Providing quick reference, or brief, factual answers to basic questions that can be quickly located.

Research Consultations

Research Consultations offer patrons a one-on-one forum to discuss their individual 

A research consultation is a meeting between you and a librarian that is geared towards helping you complete assignments that may require outside sources. We can help you discover a topic or narrow down your ideas into a topic that can be used in a research assignment. If you are having trouble finding specific articles that match your topic, we can help you with navigating our online databases. If you’ve hit a dead end in your research assignment and would like some one-on-one support to ease your frustrations, then sign up for an APPOINTMENT online, call, or stop by the research desk in the library. A librarian or a peer research assistant are also available to CHAT you online and answer questions through email, so don’t hesitate to utilize these resources available to you!


Instruction Sessions

Faculty can request a Reference Librarian to work with their courses with varying degrees of involvement.

  • Basic library instruction sessions include
  • Intermediate instruction sessions include review of an assignment, its rubric and requirements and specific discussion around topics, variables and other specific research needs. Similar to a research consultation but with a larger group.
  • Specialized sessions can be tailored to fit the needs of the course. Intensive work on literature review writing, annotated bibliographies, research writing are some of the topics that can be covered during specialized sessions. These can be a one-time session or at various points throughout the semester.
  • These sessions can be offered virtually using Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams.

FACULTY request library instruction for your course(s) here.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

  • Use this free service to request books/book chapters not available in Catalog USMAI and journal articles not available in full-text from our electronic databases or periodicals collection. Course textbooks may not be requested. Physical items are not approved for Course Reserves.
  • You must be a registered borrower to use this service. 
  • To access ILLIAD, click here, then click on “First Time Users” to set up your account. Make sure you write down and secure your password since it will be needed for future ILL use.

For additional information, please view 'ILLiad FAQs' (click here).


Ask-A-Librarian your ready reference question here. Do you need the date of a major world event or the correct name of that building you just cannot place? If so, use this link.

Ask-A-Librarian your in-depth research questions here. We can determine if you need an actual research consultation or if we can meet your needs through other means.

Use the resources found through the Quick Links to the left if you need to know what Moore Library carries on a specific topic. If you require a reference consultation, please use the link above.