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Circulation Services

Circulation Services at CSU

Circulation services at Parlett L Moore Library are geared to:

  • Assisting CSU patrons with using the library, including the charge and discharge of library resources, using the catalog, coordinate the use and lending of course reserves materials.
  • Assisting patrons with booking seat reservations.
  • Assisting patrons with booking collaboration rooms.
  • Offering consultation and/or instruction on using the library, locating reading materials

Student Registration Update Request

Request to Update Student Patron Registration

Submit this form if you'd like to ensure that your student library patron account is updated in the Moore Library system. This will include updating your current contact information and student status. Your registration needs to be current in order to access resources off-campus, to access e-books, to reserve study rooms, and to enter the Library.

Faculty & Staff Update Request

Request to Update Faculty/Staff Patron Registration

Submit this form to ensure your faculty or staff library patron account is updated in the Moore Library system. This will include updating your contact information and status. Your registration needs to be current in order to access resources off-campus, to access e-books, and to enter the Library.

Order a Book


Faculty can use this form in one of two ways:

  1. Request an item for the Library to purchase and place on Course Reserves for your class.
  2. Request an item for the Library to purchase that you think is pertinent to Coppin needs. (There is no guarantee that this item will be available, but the Library will do what it can to meet the request).

Place your course text on Reserve

Submit Item to be placed on Course Reserves

This form should be used for items you already own or the Library already owns. Please see the "Order a Book" form if the Library must first order the item you'd like placed on Reserve. Please also note: Items borrowed/circulated from other institutions CANNOT be placed on Course Reserves as it violates copyright law. Scanning chapters or pages from a text or locating digital access are other options.

Reservations at Parlett Moore Library

Parlett Moore Library offers seat and room reservations for current CSU students. To utilize the online reservation system you will need to use your email address ( and CSU id number. Choose from the following reservation options:

Seat Reservations


Study Rooms