EBSCO eBooks are online versions of print books that the library has purchased. eBooks that are owned will be available to the library in perpetuity, with provisions being made for long term access and preservation. SOME RESTRICTIONS DO APPLY. EBSCO eBooks are available from all major academic publishers in virtually all academic disciplines.
EBSCO eBooks offer a number of advantages. Users can:
If you’re interested in the library purchasing an eBook for its collection, click here
FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW to register or update your Library Patron number. All patrons must be registered to access eBooks, on and off campus.
If you have a faculty or staff ID, your 14-digit barcode is on the back. This is your library number. If you do not have an ID card, please contact your department administrator for assistance.
For any questions about EBSCO eBook access or use, contact libraryreference@coppin.edu .
EBSCO eBooks are a great addition to the classroom. They offer sustainable and cost effective access to teaching and learning resources. Here are some things to know for using EBSCO eBooks in your courses: