Click here to log in to ILLiad
While logged in to your Coppin ILLiad account you can make requests, track requests, and download articles you have requested.
First time users will be asked to fill out a brief registration form before making requests.
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service free to the user through which you can request research materials, such as books, journal articles, book chapters, videos, and other materials that are not available at Coppin or at any of the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) through Patron-Placed-Holds (PPH). Course textbooks may not be requested. Please click here for additional Interlibrary Loan Policy information.
What happens after I make a request?
After you make a request, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) staff will act on it by searching for other libraries that will loan or copy the desired material. Once the material arrives, you will be notified via email that your request is ready for retrieval. Loans (physical items) will be held at the Circulation Desk for you to check out, and article or chapter scans will be uploaded to your ILLiad account for you to download.
Who may use Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan at Moore Library is available to current students, faculty and staff.
What can be requested through Interlibrary Loan
What is ILLiad?
ILLiad is the system that manages your ILL requests. Using ILLiad you can track the status of your requests, check due dates, renew checked out materials, and view your ILL borrowing history.
The first time you use ILLiad you will be prompted to fill out a one-time registration form, and then you can dive right in!
First Time Users - Register Your ILLiad Account
The first time you log into ILLiad, you will see the New User Registration form.
Changing account information
If the material you'd like to request doesn't fit into any of the choices, use "Other Citations" and enter as much information as you can about what you're requesting
You need to request renewals with Interlibrary Loan staff at (410) 951-3408. Renewals are not guaranteed.
If you haven't downloaded and saved the PDF, another request will have to be placed.
Username : If you forgot your username, call the Interlibrary Loan (410) 951-3408
NOTE: We cannot see or reset your password. We can advise you of your username and e-mail, which will allow you to reset your password.
Password :